HAP Body Brain Skin

Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __ Age Healthy. Live HAP. __

Our brand and our products were born thanks to the dream and vision of Health Brands Lab, Italian incubator of pioneering solutions with a mission, that of helping people stay healthy, feel good and be naturally beautiful in all stages of life.

After months of study and scientific research coordinated by UNIRED, a spin-off of the University of Padova, HAP Body Brain Skin® was born, the revolutionary integrated system for the healthy aging of body, brain and skin.

Our Name

HAP is an acronym for ‘Healthy Aging Power’.

Healthy aging is the new global challenge and we can do a lot to win. 80% of the possibility of living a long, autonomous, healthy life is not in our DNA but in our hands, in our actions; there are so many areas where we can act: sociality, lifestyle, food and nutrition, skin care.

Through our products we want to provide an extra “power”: adding life to years.

We are called HAP because we think that healthy aging brings well-being, autonomy, serenity and “HAP-piness” 😊.  This is why we have chosen ’Age Healthy. Live HAP’ as our signature phrase.

Body Brain Skin because we think that healthy aging is reached through a holistic and integrated path which involves prevention and the health of our body systems, our brain and our skin, the largest organ of our body, which is the first to defend us from what is outside.

Our Formula and Product Development Philosophy: “Science-based”

We select very precise and factual intervention targets: the 9 Hallmarks of Aging, the 5 Brain Abilities, the 3 Skin Layers. We extensively analyze international scientific literature to research active ingredients which, to date, given current regulations, better demonstrate effectiveness on the identified targets.

We formulate our products with potentially patentable, exclusive combinations of selected, very high quality, titrated active ingredients; the combinations are the result of extensive research of the best, most effective, fundamental active ingredients, in ideal doses, in order to have everything you need in one single  gesture and avoid having too many products around the house which we forget to use and often throw away.

We select packaging that offers the utmost protection of the activity and effectiveness of the substances over time, in addition to guaranteeing sustainability.

We select our producers in Italy on the basis of very rigorous criteria for quality and respect for the environment.

Our Values

We do not promise miraculous effects on longevity: the world of science is studying, verifying and testing, with large investments in the most evolved research centers and we hope there will be important discoveries in the future.

We want to speak about aging peacefully: a natural process of life, wonderful if in good health and full of vitality, autonomy, plans and sociality.

We want to make a contribution to the well-being of the body, the brain and the skin, in terms of prevention, combining the best of what is, to our knowledge, available today.

We want to promote knowledge and total prevention, in terms of healthy aging, by informing and possibly stimulating institutions, the scientific community and the world of communication to do more; this is why we support the global project of the United Nations called ‘Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030’.

A World of HAP People

In our challenge of healthy aging we would like to involve curious, informed people who are open to life, who love experiencing changes in life due to age, any age, without looking for “anti” solutions at all costs.

We would like to promote an ‘age-friendly’ world, where age does not count but HAP people are beautiful just the way they are, with their problems and projects, feeling good about themselves, well taken care of, real.

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